The wait is over, go ahead and travel in time already

Contrary to what most science fiction stories will try to tell you, time travelling is not at thing of the future. It’s here already, and it have been for ages.

Jesper Vestergaard


Off course time travel is possible. At least if travelling means experiencing something, and not necessarily interacting with it or in other ways changing it.

You can go back in time reading an old post-card, seeing a video or hearing an old recording. Or even just in your mind, thinking about some scene or situation in the past, and by the way of your memory revitalising and exploring it again.

With external tools you can even revisit and explore events and scenes, that you’ve never participated in yourself. Storytelling, re-enactments, documentaries and VR experiences are all vessels for your travels in time. And with an increasing number of recordings being made in the world and ever new ways of recording, our ability to get richer and even more immersive experiences of going back in time just keeps expanding.

So, it seems to me, that it’s about time, to stop talking about time travelling as something far fetched and impossible. As long as you keep your fingers to yourself, you can go back to any time you’d like.

Travelling to the future requires a lot more patience off course. You’ll simply have to wait for it.



Jesper Vestergaard

UX driven product designer with 20 years experience in editorial design and digital publications. Let’s work together!